SAANS FOUNDATION, IS NOW "A BUTEYKO INTERNATIONAL CLINIC-INDIA" WHAT IS THE BUTEYKO METHOD? Named after Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reduce over-breathing (clinically known as ‘ chronic hyperventilation ’). The simple fact is that many people breathe too much, which alters the natural levels of gases in the blood, reduces oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, and causes constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding blood vessels and airways. This can lead to numerous health problems. Bringing breathing volume towards normal and making the switch from mouth to nose breathing helps to alleviate such health problems. ABOUT US “Working together to improve health through breathing re-education” Buteyko Professionals International (BPI) is an international community of individuals who work as practitioners/educators or incorporate some aspects of the Buteyko Brea...